Version: 1.1

Published: March 29, 2023

INACTIVE: Truck Stop Electrification

The ACR methodology for GHG Emission Reductions through Truck Stop Electrification is inactive and ineligible for crediting projects on ACR. ACR has determined that the methodology requires updates to be consistent with the current version of the ACR Standard.

This methodology is applicable to projects that result in a reduction in direct GHG emissions from diesel engine idling of long-haul trucks, through the installation and use of single-system Truck Stop Electrification (TSE) technologies.

TSE systems eligible under this methodology must use grid-connected electrical power, and must operate with the truck’s main propulsion (diesel) engine fully shut off. The methodology is currently only applicable in the United States due to its use of U.S.-specific references and emission factors. Baseline emissions from diesel idling are calculated using California Air Resources Board emission factors, and project emissions from electricity generation are calculated using USEPA eGRID factors.

This methodology was developed by ACR in collaboration with IdleAir, and approved through ACR’s public consultation and scientific peer review process.

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Version 1.1